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Jesco can be three people. He is Jesse, he is Jesco, and he is Elvis. Jesse is the most beautiful man that I could have ever loved. But Jesco, he's somebody else. He's the devil in hisself." For most of the same, some things different, PLEASE CLICK HERE I would give someone a kidney. Front page
Sunday, February 05, 2006
The New York City subway system, although greatly improved from the days of yore, still leaves much to be desired. I know, what an original observation! J-Rock, you so clevah! Maybe instead I just want to share with you a couple of recent stories. Last week on my way to work, I went to sit down on a bench and realized why only one person was sitting at this bench, because there were multiple piles of human feces on the ground, in front of the bench. This was not towards the back of a little used station far out on the outer stretches of some seldom used line. This was on the Houston street 1 line. I of course realized too late, and then had to spend the next few minutes making sure the hem of my coat stayed far, far away. On my way home recently, I sat across from a woman chewing on orange peels. They were floating around her bag, sitting on her lap. I didn't actually see any orange pieces. Just orange peels, and there was no container, or bag from which they came, well except for her purse. This would have been of course, an amusing if not strange enough scenario to occupy my trip, but it got even better! Somewhere on the Upper West Side (86th street, I believe,) a man boarded the car, sat down on in the corner seat, and proceeded to remove his shoes. He then produced what looked to be those handi-wipes that they give you in bar-b-cue restaurants, and began to furiously scrub his feet. I tried to occupy myself with my book, but the car was somewhat empty, and half of the car was now some kind of freak show. I tried not to laugh, even the orange peel lady was staring. Luckily about that time, the train pulled into the 72nd street station, and I exited. Posted 9:48 PM by J.Ro